Sunday, October 31, 2004

The West Wing

My new favourite show on television


This normally shouldn't be a story that I would tell but I feel I must anyway. Some 30 year-old woman in Marshall's ethics class asked him out. I don't know what he said (or didn't say) to her but Friday night/early Saturday morning, she came to campus and wrote a note on an envelope that included her home phone number and slid it under Marshall's door. The only way to find out where someone lives on this campus is #1) They or one of their friends don't care that you know and tell you where they live. The second isn't supposed to happen. You can ask a desk worker where someone lives. They are only allowed to give you their phone number. Presumably for you to call and ask the party where they. I know the first didn't happen because Marshall has made it quite clear that he wants nothing to do with her. This brings up a serious issue with campus security. If she knows where Marshall lives, she knows where I live. As far as I'm concerned, she's stalking the poor guy. That would mean that she's bothering both of us. She called twice this morning. Once to give me her home phone number so Marshall won't call her and then called back with her cell. The problem that arises is the fact that she has ethics with him so he can't just be like "look bitch leave me alone" because she has class with him. There's an easy solution - SLU needs to give students caller ID. That way we just change the answering machine to say that Kevin and Johnny live here and check the caller ID before we answer the phone. If we stop answering the phone and making you announce yourself before we answer well, too damn bad. I think Marshall should talk to ITS about having the woman's cell and home phone blocked on our line. Damn, I wrote a book this time.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Enough Said

"I like that about the Republicans; the evidence does not phase them,
they are not bothered at all by the facts." - Bill Clinton

Quotes of The Day

True words from a true leader make up today's (2) quotes of the day.

"We shall need compromises in the days ahead, to be sure. But these will be, or should be, compromises of issues, not principles. We can compromise our political positions, but not ourselves. We can resolve the clash of interests without conceding our ideals. And even the necessity for the right kind of compromise does not eliminate the need for those idealists and reformers who keep our compromises moving ahead, who prevent all political situations from meeting the description supplied by Shaw: 'smirched with compromise, rotted with opportunism, mildewed by expedience, stretched out of shape with wirepulling and putrefied with permeation.' Compromise need not mean cowardice. ..."

"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."

-John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President, United States of America

Saturday, October 23, 2004


"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."
-Frank Herbert (Fusz Fire Panel's Pseudonym)

So basically....If they hadn't touched the fucking heat, I wouldn't have been outside in the rain....TWICE. Damn idiots. The sleeper must awaken eh? I want a fucking housing refund dammit!

Fire Alarms - Haven't seen a burning building yet.

So it's 5:56am and the fire alarm has gone off twice in the last HOUR. This is getting so damn ridiculous. So, the heat has been on in the building for about a week. They turn the A/C back on and bam, the fire panel goes nuts and now the alarm is just going off by itself. Today is Make a Difference Day and we had to be up at 8:00am anyway. I say if it goes off again, we should go to Uncle Bills.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Dana Owens Album

Just got the new Queen Latifah album today. It's called "The Dana Owens Album." I like it a lot. My favorite track is California Dreamin' by far. You should really think about this one. It's surprisingly good.

Monday, October 18, 2004

eVoting is going to lose another election

Normally, I'm one of the most pro-technology people I know. I use the computer for everything. I check my weather, my email, my voicemail, send text messages and a host of other things, many of which don't necessarily have to be done on a computer or the internet. But with respect to eVoting terminals I must object. I understand that they would make hanging chads, pregnant chads and other variations impossible but at the same time, states with such an important role in this election such as Florida should not be using unfounded technology. What do I mean? I mean if you're going to try somehting new like eterminals for voting, you don't do it in the midst of a tight presidential race. Don't cause a national screw up. If you want do it during the gubernatorial race or other race. But not the presidential race. Ironic isn't it, the same county that had hanging chads four years ago is one of the places using evoting. THAT'S PLAIN STUPID. Are they trying to fuck up two presidential elections? God.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Quote of The Day

"The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Inaugural Address

Friday, October 15, 2004

Quote of The Day

"And what is the state but a servant and a convenience for a large
number of people, just like the electric light and the plumbing system?
And wouldn't it be preposterous to claim that men must exist for their
plumbing, not the plumbing for the men."
-Ayn Rand, We The Living

Fall Break

Fall break is finally here. I finished that god-awful website for Advanced Writing and now I think I deserve a nice nap. Test in Powerplant didn't turn out too bad. I got a 93 which is a B but then again the class is easy so I should be getting A's right? Whatever. I'm contemplating calling the FAA Aeromedical Certification Division to check the status of my application but I called two days ago. Would calling them again be a tad bit excessive? I wonder what I'm gonna do for fall break because so many people are going home for the weekend which means nobody with a car will be here to see a movie or anything and no one will be here to hang out with. Marshall gets old every once in a while (just kidding). I need a new hard drive. I only have 3.25 gigs of space left. Damn it fills up quick. It's a 40 gig hard drive and almost 11 gigs of it is music. I'm pathetic - I'm out for now.

I found the picture while casually perusing the web. This is so disgusting. Why in the name of all that is holy would someone put a snake *shudder* through their noes and then out of thier mout. The guy's obviously in pain. He's supposedly trying to set a world record of some kind. This is just practice ..he's gonna use a venomous snake for the real thing. What a masochistic bastard

Anti-Kerry Film

I hope that this anti-Kerry ad that will be pre-emting television shows
will not cast an unfair light on John Kerry. If the film brings up
points about Kerry's testifying in front of congress and confessing
truths that happened in Viet-Nam, then I hope America is smart enough to
realize that said things did happen in Viet-Nam. How is it wrong for a
man to tell the truth? I do not understand. By saying that Kerry was
wrong, are we saying that it's right to lie? What kind of value system
is that reinforcing? The one where you tell the truth "no matter what"
or one where we only tell the truth when we're not gonna get in trouble
for something that we said? If it's the latter than I disagree with
Bruce Springsteen, "I"m not proud to be an American." On the other side
of the coin, if this mini film is indeed credible and has some veracity
then it brings another four years of GWB just over the horizon.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Quote of The Day

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and
the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find
the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a
healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know
even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the
meaning of success."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

George W. Bush

How much audacity must a man have to tell people that his opponent is a
liar and that they need to go to
to see that John Kerry is lying. He then
proceeds to tell the American people that Kerry has voted to raise taxes
98 times... FUNNY, Factcheck says that those figures are incorrect. It
seems as though the Bush/Cheney campaign is trying to have its cake and
eat it too. I'm not saying that Kerry isn't without falt. I'm just
sayin it takes LOTS of balls to call someone else a liar and lead the
masses to evidence that proves you are too....


This Election Rhetoric

“Vote for me, vote for me
I want the nomination for the Presidency
Vote for me, vote for me
If I am elected, this is how it will be.

Thirty-Seven years ago, anticipating yet another presidential election filled with partisan propaganda, the group Chicago wrote the song, “Vote for Me.” That was 1977 and this is 2004, a testament to the fact that some lessons are just hard-learned.

Our candidates talk about why they should be chosen as the winner in the upcoming presidential election. Mr. Bush cited the successful new prescription drug discount plan for seniors during his speech at the GOP convention. Someone must have forgotten to tell him that most eligible seniors have not applied for the discount cards. I can understand why with the variety of over 40 different discount cards why it would be hard to chose. Mr. Kerry talks about his idea for universal health care. This sir is a very lofty idea. Why should we be listening to a man whose running mate’s career as a gold digging injury lawyer is part of the reason that health care is so expensive in the first place?

On defense, Kerry is a flip-flopper on the $87 billion finance package for Iraq, but Bush who threatened that if the bill came across his desk with certain key language that he didn’t like, he would veto isn’t. Bush said during his convention speech that “funding our troops isn’t a complicated matter.” Well, I guess he forgot about the complications the bill would have faced had he vetoed it. Apparently not as simple as Bush makes it out to be. John Kerry this year, opened his mouth and said that he had the support of many world leaders of nations that are our allies and the White House called his bluff.

It seems as if both candidates are choosing their words very carefully. Bush cites 200,000 manufacturing jobs lost during Clinton’s final days. He says that he’s created 107,000 and they’re working at beating this job deficit left by Clinton. He doesn’t however let you know that there have been 2,000,000 jobs lost during his administration. You will not however find that in any speech that our president makes. John Kerry talks about the private sector jobs lost and doesn’t talk about the public sector jobs created while our current president is in office. They tote each other as being liars. Last time I checked, purposeful omission is a lie.

I could go on and on about the numerous flip flops of both Bush and Kerry and still be writing the day of the election. Which candidate am I voting for? I haven’t figured out yet, I’m still doing the research on that one. I haven’t figured out which one is telling the truth.

My First Post

My First post I really don't have that much to say except hi!