Friday, October 15, 2004

Fall Break

Fall break is finally here. I finished that god-awful website for Advanced Writing and now I think I deserve a nice nap. Test in Powerplant didn't turn out too bad. I got a 93 which is a B but then again the class is easy so I should be getting A's right? Whatever. I'm contemplating calling the FAA Aeromedical Certification Division to check the status of my application but I called two days ago. Would calling them again be a tad bit excessive? I wonder what I'm gonna do for fall break because so many people are going home for the weekend which means nobody with a car will be here to see a movie or anything and no one will be here to hang out with. Marshall gets old every once in a while (just kidding). I need a new hard drive. I only have 3.25 gigs of space left. Damn it fills up quick. It's a 40 gig hard drive and almost 11 gigs of it is music. I'm pathetic - I'm out for now.


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