Sunday, October 14, 2007

Crossing Paths

What gives any man, woman or child the audacity to commit unnecessary atrocities against one another. Is the worth of one digital camera whose net worth on eBay or any other auction site is worth less than a third of its original value enough to break a window, break a woman's heart and her spirit? Does the sum of wrongs that society has placed against any one man make him worthy to steal the livelihood away from another? Is that enough? Who has the right to take from another in order to fend for one's self in an age where the government is so willing to help those who cannot help themselves? It stands to reason that any man or person who thinks that he is such is not so categorized and is too lazy to find real means to support himself and thereby makes life harder for the whole of society. For those of you who kill, you are wrong; for those of you who kidnap, rape and pillage, you are wrong; for those of you who steal and suppress and create the oppressed, you are wrong. You do not exemplify the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In fact you do the opposite; you are the antithesis of human piousness, justice and good. Misguided? No, that would be a man who takes wrong advice from those who he trusts. No, you indeed are the scum of the earth, the gum on the shoe of not just American society but the world as a whole. Until all humans can learn to co-exist and refrain from rape, pillage, theft and all other actions that degrade our world society, we cannot and will not be able to learn of the true beauty and reverence that comes from the enjoyment of life, the right to just being the right to just living and the right to being on this journey that is life. Tonight, one of my best friends was the victim of what could be classified as vandalism but under the surface, more emerges. The car that was vandalized was willed to her by her dying grandmother and not only has her car been vandalized but her digital camera was stolen on this camera were images of her dead grandmother's property which has been recently auctioned off. What gives any man the right to hurt another? What gives any man the right to take what is his and not earn it? Some may try to attribute this to the failing American education system of the poverty levels in America. I do not, for one second, believe the hogwash that any advocates of this position do. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Just as killing is wrong, one cannot justify the action of breaking a glass window, breaking off an ignition column and trying to BYPASS an IMMOBILIZER system on a car. Those are meant to deter theft and by bypassing them, one is acknowledging and knowingly violating the systems put in place to prevent such a thing from happening. A few months ago, I was the victim of a crime as well; I lost $2,000 worth of CDs that were left in my car. Sure my mother left the windows down but at the end of the day, who has the right to violate my personal space and take what I used my hard earned money and resources to acquire. And while I have ripped every single CD I've ever owned to my computer, that's not the point. Society has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO VIOLATE THE PERSONAL PROPERTY UNDER EVERY DAY NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES; In the end, to those involved with tonight’s events thank you for showing up to our party and I apologize, even though the were not of my doing, for all of the things that went wrong tonight. God be with you, good luck and as Morrow would say, Good Night.


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