Sunday, October 31, 2004


This normally shouldn't be a story that I would tell but I feel I must anyway. Some 30 year-old woman in Marshall's ethics class asked him out. I don't know what he said (or didn't say) to her but Friday night/early Saturday morning, she came to campus and wrote a note on an envelope that included her home phone number and slid it under Marshall's door. The only way to find out where someone lives on this campus is #1) They or one of their friends don't care that you know and tell you where they live. The second isn't supposed to happen. You can ask a desk worker where someone lives. They are only allowed to give you their phone number. Presumably for you to call and ask the party where they. I know the first didn't happen because Marshall has made it quite clear that he wants nothing to do with her. This brings up a serious issue with campus security. If she knows where Marshall lives, she knows where I live. As far as I'm concerned, she's stalking the poor guy. That would mean that she's bothering both of us. She called twice this morning. Once to give me her home phone number so Marshall won't call her and then called back with her cell. The problem that arises is the fact that she has ethics with him so he can't just be like "look bitch leave me alone" because she has class with him. There's an easy solution - SLU needs to give students caller ID. That way we just change the answering machine to say that Kevin and Johnny live here and check the caller ID before we answer the phone. If we stop answering the phone and making you announce yourself before we answer well, too damn bad. I think Marshall should talk to ITS about having the woman's cell and home phone blocked on our line. Damn, I wrote a book this time.


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