Monday, October 18, 2004

eVoting is going to lose another election

Normally, I'm one of the most pro-technology people I know. I use the computer for everything. I check my weather, my email, my voicemail, send text messages and a host of other things, many of which don't necessarily have to be done on a computer or the internet. But with respect to eVoting terminals I must object. I understand that they would make hanging chads, pregnant chads and other variations impossible but at the same time, states with such an important role in this election such as Florida should not be using unfounded technology. What do I mean? I mean if you're going to try somehting new like eterminals for voting, you don't do it in the midst of a tight presidential race. Don't cause a national screw up. If you want do it during the gubernatorial race or other race. But not the presidential race. Ironic isn't it, the same county that had hanging chads four years ago is one of the places using evoting. THAT'S PLAIN STUPID. Are they trying to fuck up two presidential elections? God.


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