Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Right Under My Nose

So, I decided to type "Photography Major" into Google and got a list of schools that offer Photography as a major. A couple of schools were just Community Colleges but a few caught my eye. Central Missouri State so I could still be close to my SLU friends and what's even more compelling is SLU's biggest competition - Washington University in St. Louis. Never thought I'd say this but it might be an option. Since, the FAA's "outside consultant" happens to be the Federal Air Surgeon in Washington, DC (isn't that funny. Washinton and they're not the same) and they didn't recieve my file until 11/2 and they're backed up out of the ass, it looks like I may still be in St. Louis but just at a different school.

Coaster Chicas

I would have posted this earlier but certain circumstances prevented me from having access to the photograph. Anyway, I thought that these dolls really serve as a prime example of a two faced corporate America. We sell these god awful dolls at Cedar Point, a park that advertises itself as "A Family Park". Since when is prostitution and being loose a family value?

Monday, November 29, 2004

Calm In The Storm

My calm in the storm. I have realized, finally after two years that my future is not what the U.S. Government makes of it but what I make of it. Sure, the U.S. Government can tell me that I'm not fit to be a pilot in the U.S. but that's not the end of the world. There are so many other interests of mine like photography. I would love to take some photo-journalism classes. I truly believe that photography could be a segway to my problems. I think that photography is something that I have enough natural talent in to be good at it if practical skills training were applied. It's funny how capitalistic America can help you find your niche. I saw an ad for an amazing digital camera. It would probably take a good portion of next summer's pay or my IRS refund to pay for it but then again. If it's something I truly love, I should pursue it correct? My philosophy on life seems to be changing. I've had enough of sitting on my ass, idly watching as the FAA determines my livelihood, waiting to be possibly devastated by the outcome. I will no longer let the demon that is the FAA certification, granted or ungranted stop me from pursuing something that I truly love to do. I don't know what it's taken me this long to realize it. I guess I never really thought about it. In the end, you always find where you need to go. I would love to take up photography and I think that's where I may need to go. And, just as the song I'm listening to. That, gives me a Small Measure of Peace. I leave you with a quote. I've already posted it but it is so profound that I feel the need to reiterate it.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success."- Emerson

....My small measure of peace and calm in the storm.

Sunday, November 28, 2004


It has come to my attention that I have them and that I have no clue what they are.


I'm really tired....of everything. Thanksgiving was cool. Saw people that I haven't seen in a while. I had fun. Saw taxi yesterday. Wasn't that good. There were some hot chicks in the movie. Seems like mom's mad at me. She's gonna be even more pissed if I don't go to church tomorrow which I'm still not sure about. I just feel like time is moving too quickly and I will be back in St. Louis before I know it. Well, time for me to get yelled at.....

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Stone Language

Em marjenwell el torkan
Tan dernem tansom torcal.
Em ornbren fur tasmor.
Mar nos den brentas col.

Em marjenwell emtas tancol,
Tan dernem tormar em quintan.
En ornbren tanel lon el,
Mar nos den novetanquin.


I dream of days without an end,
And long for sleep without the fear.
I hope to walk through the night,
And know this will (all) come true.

I dream of life lived long and full,
And long to see my children grow,
I hope for better days to come,
And know they will come soon.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Sir Bitch is Back

Yes, The Rolling Stone headline for this pic was Sir Bitch is Back. This is Elton John for anyone who doesn't know.

Friday, November 12, 2004

How I'm feeling lately......

Enough Said?

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Keep Quitting

So lets see, Ashcroft quit, that other guy quit, Rumsfeld and Powell
might be on their way out and so might Condoleeza. Yeah, all the good
people in his administration are gonna quit and leave him hanging. He's
gonna look like a real dumb ass! What does that mean for the direction
of our country though? Well....I guess the upside to another bush
presidency is that the us constitution ssays he can only have four more

Kevin I. Dudley
Aviation Science/Professional Pilot Major
Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology
Saint Louis University

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Come on America

"Jesus speaks through the Republicans

I hope the election of George W. Bush is seen as a wake-up call to all
the liberal Democrats who oppose God's will.

It is His doing that George W. Bush is still our president. Millions of
born-again Christians helped win this election through our prayers and
votes. Jesus speaks through the Republicans.

The Democrats will not be able to win elections until they renounce
their sinful ways and stop encouraging abortions, gayness, and trying to
take away our guns.

Earl Balboa

Washington Township"


Kevin I. Dudley
Aviation Science/Professional Pilot Major
Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology
Saint Louis University

Monday, November 08, 2004

Mag-lites and DPS

This time the fire department came. There was smoke. Maybe next time the building will actually burn.

The Lofts at Lafayette Square

This is where I wanna live next year. It's 1250 square feet. It's $1330 a month and the building is beautiful with 14 foot vaulted ceilings and original hardwood beams. Each apartment comes with a washer and dryer.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I concede but....

how. we have one of the worst jobless rates in the country. one of the worst education systems in the country, one of the worst state economies in the country and yet people still voted for george bush. i must say however the fact that this election is just as close as the last one is a real referendum of the bush presidency saying that by no stretch of the imagination is George Bush a great president. he has a lot of work to do and I'm still not conceding the election yet although I might as well but still if bush wins he should realize he squeaked again and that while it is difinitive is not decisive

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

From A Distance

Click for www.electoral-vote.com

Monday, November 01, 2004

Election Fiasco

About 13,000 ballots were removed from an early-voting site in Daytona Beach, Fla., Monday and rushed to a secure vault in Deland after an optical scan machine failed, according to Local 6 News.

Local 6 News has learned that a memory card, on the machine failed and all 13,000 votes must be recounted.

A computer error is to blame for the failure of the memory card which records the voting data, Local 6 News reported.

When the error was discovered Monday, representatives from both parties were notified.

Both sides then witnessed the removal of the ballots and their storage in the vault.

The canvassing board will meet Monday to discuss how to recount the ballots.

please note no only the date and time of this post but the date of this year's election which is TOMORROW

God Bless

"Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
I've witnessed your suffering
As the battle raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms"
-Brothers In Arms, Dire Straits

God bless all the saints of america who have died in armed conflict to protect this great nation, especially to those who are unknown that one day they can have a proper burial and that their families can have closure

Tell A Lie.....

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it"
- Adolf Hitler


"The political lesson of Watergate is this: Never again must America allow an arrogant, elite guard of political adolescents to by-pass the regular party organization and dictate the terms of a national election."
- President Gerald Ford

All Saints Day

In times of need we turn for strength
To those who've come before our days
That their unseen presence might
Come to us as guiding rays.

We need the voice of bygone times
In our present plight for peace
May the saints who lived for all
Bless us each in their outreach.

Continue to embrace our world
Hold us in your constant love
Dear holy ones in heaven's sight
Emblazon our hearts from up above.

Remind us in your quiet ways
That we can reach the worthwhile goal
World peace will reign forever on
When we give care to one and all!