Thursday, May 26, 2005

Kicking My Ass

On the eve of my third day off at Cedar Point, let me say that this job is KICKING MY ASS. I had to take two No Doz this morning to stay awake. I got a paycheck last week that was for 69.90 hours after breaks. 10pm closes start on friday and I'm soooooooooo tired right now. I have to say that my new manager, Andrew, is the nicest possible person to be my manager. I miss Jason Miller's antics and the way he ran the area but I DO NOT miss his attitude. He could be a real ass at times - no lie. The new merch manager Tim is a nice guy too. I kinda miss seeing Greg tho. I can't wait till Giummo gets here so I can call it quits as far as the doing the work of two people thing goes. Well, this is it for me guys, I'm going to bed. I have a lot of sleep ahead of me.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Michael Jackson

Yup. I don't see how you can't find him guilty. Pretty compelling case


Stewart Gilligan Griffin is THE best cartoon character on television

Kent State Shootings

May 4, 1970 - My dad's 23rd Birthday

"People die every day from diseases, hunger, murderers, suicide and cold-hearted people. On May 4, 1970 four students at Kent Sate University were unnecessarily shot and killed by members of the National Guard in a the middle of a student protest against the Vietnam War. Four days before this tragic event President Nixon told our country that American soldier were being sent into Cambodia to eliminate Communist sanctuaries. After the news reached the American public large amounts of protests started all over the nation against our soldiers even going to Vietnam for fear of our country making the war bigger then it already was. The next day an estimated five hundred students gathered in the school commons for a gentle student rally with the belief that President Nixon violated the U.S. Constitution by not letting our congress vote on whether or not we should send troops into Cambodia. The students proceeded to symbolize their belief that our President cheated the Constitution by burying a copy of the Constitution and standing strong behind their feelings that Nixon was indeed wrong."

Dad's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Leon Sanford Dudley you're 58 today. You're awesome and you should be proud that I remembered. I'm getting dense in my old age.

Gladiator Quotes

Is Rome worth one good man's life? We believed it once. Make us believe it again. He was a soldier of Rome. Honor him. - Lucilla, Gladiator (2000)

There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile. - Marcus Aurelius, Gladiator (2000)

I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. Although I have taken the form of Gaius Caligula, I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am a God. - Caligula, Caligula (1979)

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius: commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. - Maximus, Gladiator (2000)

We mortals are but shadows and dust. Shadows and dust, Maximus - Proximo, Gladiator (2000)