Thursday, May 26, 2005

Kicking My Ass

On the eve of my third day off at Cedar Point, let me say that this job is KICKING MY ASS. I had to take two No Doz this morning to stay awake. I got a paycheck last week that was for 69.90 hours after breaks. 10pm closes start on friday and I'm soooooooooo tired right now. I have to say that my new manager, Andrew, is the nicest possible person to be my manager. I miss Jason Miller's antics and the way he ran the area but I DO NOT miss his attitude. He could be a real ass at times - no lie. The new merch manager Tim is a nice guy too. I kinda miss seeing Greg tho. I can't wait till Giummo gets here so I can call it quits as far as the doing the work of two people thing goes. Well, this is it for me guys, I'm going to bed. I have a lot of sleep ahead of me.


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