Saturday, February 25, 2006


So, my GSTL and I had a bit of a disagreement today. I can't stand carts. I hate having to do that but I do it and I don't complain to everyone about it. I just do it. I hate carts like I hate the FAA for my medical certificate ordeal. Anyway when I went to work on Tuesday, I got "Oh my god Derek's gonna come today and everything has to be perfect." Derek is our district manager for Target. And of course, he didn't show up. I come to work on Friday and, "Oh sweet Jesus, God Almighty, Derek's coming tomorrow and if the store isn't completely perfect, the apocalypse will come and we'll all die!" So Friday night, I wound up staying at work for an additional 40 minutes making sure that there were no carts in the entire parking lot, taking the trash back to the back room, and a bunch of other mundane tasks that cart attendants are supposed to do that I can't stand. The next day I had to open and I wasn't thrilled about that. Leaving work at 10:45 and having to be back at 8am isn't fun especially when your roommate keeps you up by talking on the phone at three o'clock in the morning. But anyway, now it's Saturday; judgement day and the first thing I get at 8am is "In case you forgot what I told you last night, Derek's coming today and if everything isn't just perfect, we'll all die and the apocalypse will come. I need y ou to go outside, get on you hands and knees and pick tiny pieces of trash and debris off of the ground that the overnight crew left outside. Walk around the parking lot and get all the trash off of the ground. And come back when you're done." Now I'm really pissed cuz its like I saw you less than 12 hours ago and I remember what you said to me; I'm not an idiot but I just brushed it off. As the day went on, we got busier and busier which I wasn't really concerned with because we're one of the busiest stores in the district and I've learned to deal. The carts were kind of low and I came back in with a line and she says to me "You're going to get more carts right Kevin?" --- No you dumb fuck I'm actually going to go ride around on top of this cool cart mover thing and not do any real work. I didn't actually say that. I kept it to myself. As the day went on, every time I would come through the door, I'd get "You're going to get more carts right Kevin?" So now she's really starding to get on my nerves because It's like I'm an idiot and I'm not. The the worst thing that could possibly happen does. The remote control on the cart mover stops working which means it takes two people to operate rather than one. I had some ideas on how to fix it. I had to plug the cart mover in and take the batteries out of the remote and put the batteries back in. While this was going on, the person who was covering my break is outside pushing carts manually. I went over to Guest Service because the person at Guest Service called me over there. I came back over to the cart mover to unplug it from the charger and I get. "Kevin you can't stand here all day and try to fix it you need to either get it working or go help pushing carts." Now I'm like where the FUCK is this coming from because I had informed my obviously perfect and infallable boss EXACTLY how I was going about trying to fix the cart mover. She has a radio too so she should have heard me being summoned by Guest Service. Anyway, the time between me plugging in the cart mover and unplugging it had to have been about 3 mins tops. I told her "Well I have to unplug it before I turn it back on to see if it will work." "Kevin, why have you been copping an attitude all day whenever I ask you do to something?" I guess she was puzzled I decided to help her -- "Beacuse you're treating me like an unintelligent three year old that doesn't know how to do his job. You're asking me every time I come in here whether or not I"m going to get more carts; what else would I be doing? Honestly. You didn't even give me a chance to unplug the cart mover before you yelled at me about not helping Melissa." "Well, it's my job to make sure the front end looks brand and that we have enough carts. It's my job to follow up and I was just reminding you that Melissa was outside pushing carts." -- All of this I am aware of but the fact is I know she's outside pushing carts and I'd already told you this was the last thing I was trying and following up doesn't mean you hound me every thirty seconds about it. We didn't talk anymore the rest of the day. I left a note for her boss. I need to talk to her because apparently Jody thinks I'm thick. I really hate shopping carts. If I never see another shopping cart as long as I live, I will have lived a good life. I want to see other stuff. just not shopping carts. Oh and the apocalypse never happened. Derek never showed up. There was a fire at our Butler, PA store. He has more important things to do than worry about a square inch of paper on the ground next to the trash can.


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